Thursday, September 12, 2013

What I'm......

  • Watching right now (as in lately- not right this minute because I am so totally focused on writing this :)- A lot of baseball- the Yanks are in a precarious position right now and every game counts and I am totally superstitious to the point that I just know that if I miss a game they will totally lose any chance they have at the playoffs. 
    • When there just so happens to be an off day- I tend to watch movies or stuff that I have DVR'd which recently has been quite a bit of Face off- ya'll know my obsession with that show! 
  • Reading right now-  Divergent by Veronica Roth. Excellently written and very engaging~ plus its currently in the process of being made into a movie - SCORE!! 
  • Listening to right now- Lets talk audio book first~ I am totally addicted to this podcast called "We're Alive" its basically a radio drama from the survivors of a zombie apocalypse point of view. There are like over a 100 episodes but I just recently got into so I am only on chapter 6 but so far I am lovin it! I have been listening to this mostly when I run but sometimes when I'm alone in the car, (word of caution~ it is very explicit and they don't curb their language in the slightest) 
    • Now on to music- recently I have been listening to a ton of Justin Timberlake and JTX (Seven day weekend anyone?!?) but my favorite single right now is Wake me Up by Avicii ~ LOVE IT!!   
  • Hoping to catch at the movie theater this weekend (!) - I'll admit that its been a while since I hit up the movie theater for a little weekend showing, mostly because all the movies that have come out recently haven't been anything I would be willing to pay $10 to see. And this weekend is no exception, although The Family look - ok, but only if I can get my butt up and moving before noon when its only $6 for a ticket (which isn't likely). 
  • Pinning right now- Tons of stuff for our 2nd annual Halloween party! 

     And that's all she wrote folks.... at least for today :) 


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