Thursday, January 12, 2012

Like a red headed stepchild...

That's how I am feeling today. Thursdays always feel so blah to me, your finally through the hurdle of the middle of the week and are anxious to get to the weekend but you still have to deal with Thursday before that can happen. YUCK. Anyways I did two fun videos for YouTube last night; the "Whats in my Bag?" tag and the "Get to know me" tag they were a lot of fun to film and edit. They are also a great way for people to (hopefully) get to know me. A lot of times I feel as though I am talking to no one... "Hello, is anyone out there, it's me Stephanie" ....... silence...... feels like I can hear crickets chirping lol. I don't really mind if no one watches to be honest I do it more for myself than for other people (except maybe my sister, who needs some SERIOUS makeup advice:). Speaking of makeup, I took a new look for a test drive today:

What do you think? Perhaps I will wear this the next time Mr.Friday and I get together (which by the way I have no idea when that will be...Stay tuned). This has been a long work week for me, I have had two night of overtime already and am already scheduled to work late again tonight, sure makes me glad that the weekend is so close! I just have to remember that tomorrow is FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY lol!

*What shoes am I wearing today you might be asking yourself; well its raining here in NY today so I am wearing tennis shoes again, but I promise that they are a different pair then my GYM shoes I wore yesterday these are just plain white sneakers(way to boring to post a picture of).

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