The weekend is over :( Its sometimes hard to believe how quickly the weekend always passes, far too quickly for my liking. Today I went to lunch with Mr. Friday, as we were sitting and chatting I was distracted by a woman sitting across the restaurant wearing a huge hot pink bow in her hair. It got me thinking at what point does fashion take a turn for the disastrous? I couldn't help but wonder what made this woman decided that the bow was the perfect accessory to wear to Chilli's (of all places). Did one of her fellow dinners not pull her aside and say "Hey listen, I love you, but I don't want to be seen in public with you and that bow in your hair". If one of my friends were wearing something like that to a restaurant I would certainly say something. I could understand wearing it to a special event or party or something, in fact it was cute but totally in the wrong setting. ANYWAYS enough of my rant. After lunch we walked around and then got some coffee. After parting, I went and did a little shopping Check out my HAUL video on my YouTube channel: As for the makeup I wore for the day date, I went simple, a pale pink with black liner.
As for my shoes today I went with my leopard print converse, a fun shoe paired with a pair of jeans and a dark green long sleeve sweater. I hope you guys had a great weekend. Yuck tommorrow is Monday.
Took them off before I remembered that I was suppossed to take a picture. |
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