As the title states I have alot ot say today... People have been asking me lately what the rules are for my list. Each one has a rule of some sort. For example:
#1 Read 150 books - has to be a book I never read before and more than 150 pages (magazines don't count)
#2 Reach my goal weight- Those with the medical degrees say that for my height (short) I should weigh 119 pounds, I think my boobs alone weigh 119 therefore I think a reachable goal is 130 (don't even get me started on how I can achieve that)
#3 Buy an expensive pair of shoes- self explanitory
#4 Get a new Tattoo- I have two already but want another, They are so addictive once you start its hard to stop.
#5 Go skinny dipping- again self explanitory (but sounds like fun right!)
#6 Sleep under the stars- I usually dont like camping but for one night I would like to sleep with no tent but me and the stars
#7 Throw a fancy party- I always love those adds in magazines that show fancy place settings and people all dressed in their sunday best, I am going to do this to celebrate my birthday this way!
#8 Run a 5k- I used to run all the time, but with school and the job I don't run as much as I used to so this semester even with school I want to run a 5K
#9 Volunteer- I want to give more
#10 Learn a new hobby- like guitar or underwater basket weaving
#11 Let Go- Baggage always heavy and never very fun to carry around
#12 Be spontaneous-I am a planner, a list maker who hardly ever does anything that can be constituted as spontaneous but one day I would like to jump up and do something just because it sounds like fun.
#13 Make a friend- A new one
#14 Do something that scares me- Overcoming a fear can be (hopefully) libarating
#15 Wear high heels for a normal day- explanitary
#16 Help a stranger- what a great story it would be if I could help someone deliver a baby or help someone change their tire or something like that
#17 Blog everyday- Obvious
#18 Stop biting my nails- a nasty habit but something I have been doing since I was a little kid I REALLY REALLY want to stop doing this
#19 Learn to surf
#20 Ride in a helicopter- once in a lifetime right!
#21 Make the Dean's list- this one is expecially important to me since I am the first one in my family to go to college
#22 Learn enough of another language to be able to hold a conversation
#23 Swim with dolphins- Going to HAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!
#24 Make it count- whatever it is make it count
#25 Wear a different pair of shoes everyday- Have to be different from the ones I wore the day before ( lets face it I dont have enough shoes to wear a different pair each day for the next 6 months)
#26 Get 8 Hours of sleep each night- I am an insomniac suffer but I am trying hard to get into bed and lay there for 8 hours each night
Whew that was long; and now for an update: so far I have read 8 books I have worn 7 different pairs of shoes and I have blogged every single day, GO ME!!!