Saturday, July 21, 2012

A Long Walk

Today the family that I work for took me out for my birthday. We did a beautiful hike (an 8 mile hike to be exact) along Mohunk Mountain. It was so beautiful, snakes included (a snaked crossed our path twice while we were walking, Yuck). We did this thing called the Lemon squeeze it was sooooo amazing!
This is the Mohunk Mountain Hotel. It was so beautiful from the top of the lemon squeeze.

It was literally barley wide enough for me to fit shoulder width across. and this ladder was squeezed in there to climb up and then you have to shimmy up the last 1/4 of the way to the top. But it was so worth it, just because of the view. It was a lovely day, but I am thoroughly exhausted, and I have big Big BIG plans for tomorrow. Good Night Dear Reader, until we meet again. 

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