Tuesday, July 16, 2013

That Dirty Little S-Word.......

Listen up people, I got myself a little rant to go on here......

I'll let you in on a secret...... I'm SINGLE. OH MY GOD can you believe it?????

The thing is, a lot of times when people find that out they feel the need the fix my little "Problem", but here's another little secret, I actually enjoy being single. I enjoy not having to take anyone else feelings into account when I make decisions, and I like not having to deal with another person's schedule when I make plans. And I really like getting the popcorn bucket all to myself when I go to the movies(!).

The truth is I have always been a very independent person. I don't need other people around to make me feel happy. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy going out with my friends to dinner or the movies or anything else we might enjoy, but that does mean that if they can't do something on a Saturday night and I want to go to the movies or dinner I am perfectly content to go by myself. That doesn't make me weird. I also feel that I certainly don't need a man to complete my life. I'm not saying that having one is a bad thing, I'm just saying that I don't NEED one.

 That's not to say that I avoid relationships, but I am also not desperate to find one. My philosophy is, if it happens it happens and if not then that's fine too. Here's the problem though,  people don't seem to believe me. The first thing people seem to ask when they find out, and they do find out because a friend of mine feels the need to tell everyone within a 25 foot radius of us that I am single, is "How old are you?" 26 (at the moment) this question is usually followed by, "Don't you want to get married?" the two are not mutually exclusive, just because I'm 26 and single does not necessarily mean that I don't want to get married, and although I am not entirely sold on the whole institution of marriage, for the right person I just might change my mind.

So people lay off my love life or lack thereof. I'm not going to change it just because you give me a weird look or make a snide comment on my behalf.

P.S. Stalker this little rant does not give you permission to continue pursuing me. YOU are most definitely NOT the person who I will change my mind for.

Monday, July 8, 2013

And Thats All She Wrote....

The morning blossomed clear and bright. The light filtered into the room in beams of yellow that seemed to fill up the empty spaces with happiness. For a Monday, the day seemed particularly optimistic, which could of course be caused by the simple fact that this was not like any other Monday. No, this Monday was filled with glee and hope and all those other bubbly emotions that lift your soul and fill your heart with gladness.

Whats with all the waxing poetry you might ask, well its all due to the simple fact that I'm happy. Perhaps more happy then I have ever been. Something that I have been working my butt off for, something that I have sacrificed dinners and movies and weekends with friends for. Something that I have bit, clawed, and fought for has finally come to fruition. I, my friends, have finished college. It was official last night when I turned in my FINAL final project. To say I was excited would be and understatement, but there was also the feeling of fear in my heart as my finger hovered over the submit button, which was not something I had expected. I think it might stem from fear of the unknown, I have been working so long for this, its has basically consumed my every waking (and often sleeping) moments, that what comes after seems a bit daunting. Nonetheless with the dawning of the new day, I feel exuberant. I DID IT!!! I came I saw I kicked that Bachelors degree's ass (pardon the language). When all was said and done, I completed a four year program in 2 1/2 years, quite and accomplishment if I do say so myself.

But the question remains..... What happens now?

Well I have been sitting on this news for a while because I wanted to make sure that my family all knew before I announced it to the world, but I know what I am going to do next.

I had quite a few opportunities presented to me as my college career came to a close. I was offered an Internship in China with a finance company that does business with American companies. I was also offered an Internship here in NYC with Chase bank. I was also offered an Internship in Lansing MI for an brokerage firm. For the longest time I was leaning towards heading to China, it seemed like the best opportunity for me to get some Global Finance experience under my belt, but for whatever reason when it came time to fully commit I was torn. I wrestled with this decision for months, constructing Venn diagrams, and poster boards of pro's and con's. But when it came down to it I realized that I have spent most of my life making decisions with my head and leaving my heart in dust, and for once I didn't want this decision to be like all the other that came before it (as good as all those decisions might have been). So I made it with my heart and plan to let my head catch up along the way. When an opportunity came up for me to "Join the family business" I leap at the chance. So dear friends, I AM GOING HOME. Its back to hillbilly country for me in the new year and I couldn't be more excited. My family's farm is in the process of becoming a legitimate business and has ample opportunities coming its way, but my mom and step-father needed some help to make that happen. So I swooped in to offer my expertise and we are already in the process of taking over the world, or at least our small little corner of it. This really is the best decision for me right now, and for once my future looks to be chiseled in stone or at least mostly.

Remember that dream you used to have, the one that consumed your soul, the one you never thought you could accomplish and so eventually you gave up.... Well don't. We can do anything we set our minds to, You can achieve everything you dream, because I believe in YOU, just like I believe in ME.

Thanks for standing by me friends, I couldn't have done this without you. I shall close with a cheesy but effective saying;

 " This isn't the end it is merely a new beginning."
