I'll let you in on a secret...... I'm SINGLE. OH MY GOD can you believe it?????
The thing is, a lot of times when people find that out they feel the need the fix my little "Problem", but here's another little secret, I actually enjoy being single. I enjoy not having to take anyone else feelings into account when I make decisions, and I like not having to deal with another person's schedule when I make plans. And I really like getting the popcorn bucket all to myself when I go to the movies(!).
The truth is I have always been a very independent person. I don't need other people around to make me feel happy. That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy going out with my friends to dinner or the movies or anything else we might enjoy, but that does mean that if they can't do something on a Saturday night and I want to go to the movies or dinner I am perfectly content to go by myself. That doesn't make me weird. I also feel that I certainly don't need a man to complete my life. I'm not saying that having one is a bad thing, I'm just saying that I don't NEED one.
That's not to say that I avoid relationships, but I am also not desperate to find one. My philosophy is, if it happens it happens and if not then that's fine too. Here's the problem though, people don't seem to believe me. The first thing people seem to ask when they find out, and they do find out because a friend of mine feels the need to tell everyone within a 25 foot radius of us that I am single, is "How old are you?" 26 (at the moment) this question is usually followed by, "Don't you want to get married?" the two are not mutually exclusive, just because I'm 26 and single does not necessarily mean that I don't want to get married, and although I am not entirely sold on the whole institution of marriage, for the right person I just might change my mind.
So people lay off my love life or lack thereof. I'm not going to change it just because you give me a weird look or make a snide comment on my behalf.