Its Saturday and spring break is over, that means its back up at 5:30 am and off to a WAY too early math class. Today however I am spending the afternoon getting my haircut and then dinner with Mr.Friday, and perhaps another movie (can you guys tell we love to go to the movies!). Before I went to the salon for my appoitment:
My hair was a little longer than shoulder length, and a mid brown color. After my appoitment;
My hair is dark brown, with bangs again and lays just below my chin. I prefer short hair, and in fact this is not quite short enough, I would have really liked it to be much shorter in the back. I do however like this... and it got the seal of approval from Mr. Friday! and that's always a plus +! After my appoitment we went for lunch and then to see 21 Jump Street which was very funny but lets face it anything with Channing Tatum in it is bound to be fantastic! This is my last Saturday before I leave for Florida and I still have so much to do before we leave. Oh well, theres nothing like procrastination right!
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Imagine This...
Picture it.... A boy and a girl are walking across a darkened parking lot. The boy is wearing Khaki pants and a dark jacket, The girl (well she looks fabulous!) is wearing jeans, a black tank top covered with a white sweater and black pumps. Suddenly she teeters and grabs for the boys arm to steady herself, she is wobbly on her feet and can't seem to regain her balance. Suddenly you hear her gasp and start to whimper. What could have possibly happened in that short amount of time? You finally notice that she is clutching her shoe, and notice that the 5 inch spiked heel is missing off of one of her black pumps. You begin to laugh and once you start you can't seem to stop.....
Funny image right, like something out of a movie. Except this really happened.... to ME. Mr. Friday and I went to see a movie (Wrath of the Titans) tonight and as we were walking across the pot hole strewn parking lot, the heel of one of my pumps snapped off. Can you imagine, me trying to walk into the movie theater perch precariously on the spike of only one heel. It was quite hilarious, made even more so by the fact that I kept tripping and having to grab onto Mr.Friday for support. It was funny but also very sad. I have had these shoes for so long (not to mention the pretty penny they set me back) and now they are no longer with me. *sigh*. On a good note though the movie was very good and I highly recommend it!
Happy Weekend! May your shoes forever carry you to where you need to go!
Funny image right, like something out of a movie. Except this really happened.... to ME. Mr. Friday and I went to see a movie (Wrath of the Titans) tonight and as we were walking across the pot hole strewn parking lot, the heel of one of my pumps snapped off. Can you imagine, me trying to walk into the movie theater perch precariously on the spike of only one heel. It was quite hilarious, made even more so by the fact that I kept tripping and having to grab onto Mr.Friday for support. It was funny but also very sad. I have had these shoes for so long (not to mention the pretty penny they set me back) and now they are no longer with me. *sigh*. On a good note though the movie was very good and I highly recommend it!
Happy Weekend! May your shoes forever carry you to where you need to go!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
After the Fact...
Honestly I am all out of things to say today. No news is Good news right! it was a long day and I am ready to crawl into bed with a book and a glass of wine and watch sportscenter. Goodnight fair readers and lets your day be more eventful than mine.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Spring Training...
Thank goodness baseball games are on T.V again. And only one more week till opening day of the regular season. Wahoo!!!! and only one more week till I leave for Florida. I was excited but I am starting to lose my excitement about that one. Its different when I go on a work vacation as opposed to a solo one. Nonetheless I am looking forward to the sun and palm trees and (hopefully) some time with Mickey Mouse!
Happy Wednesday!!
Happy Wednesday!!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
India here I come!
After watching Anthony Bourdains " No Reservations" episodes on India I seriously had to stop myself from packing a bag and hitchhiking to the airport. It seems so exotic and colorful, something that I am seriously craving right now. Not only that but 1 US dollar is worth 52 Indian Rubies. You can't beat that currency conversion!
Is there someplace that you guys are craving to visit right now?
Is there someplace that you guys are craving to visit right now?
Monday, March 26, 2012
Its almost the end already...
Of March that is. Which is hard to believe since I feel like it just started. Nothing terribly exciting happened to me in March, really the most talked about thing this month here in NY has been the weather. One day its sunny, the next day its rainy, the next day its back to winter temperatures again. Yuck.
This is also going to be a reminder to not forget to enter my Spring Giveaway on my Youtube channel for a chance to win a bag of some of my favorite makeup goodies!
Hope you guys are enjoying the start of the last week of March!!
This is also going to be a reminder to not forget to enter my Spring Giveaway on my Youtube channel for a chance to win a bag of some of my favorite makeup goodies!
Hope you guys are enjoying the start of the last week of March!!
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Sunday Blues...
Today I am feeling a little blue. Without any homework to do today and nothing really to distract me much from thinking about life, I got a bit caught up in the things that aren't going how I planned instead of focusing on the things that are. While I don't always feel its a good idea to wallow in these types of feelings, sometimes it is okay to reflect on your life and what you have done or what your plan is for the future. I am a big future thinker and am constantly planning my next move or the next stage of my life, and sometimes I have to remind myself to live in the moment and remember that life is happening all around me. This is important dear reader, open your eyes and focus on the now instead of the past or always the future. You cant change things that happened and you cant know whats coming next but you can pay attention and live in the moment. And sometimes that's more important than the future!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Finally a little Breathing Room
I am finally caught up on all my homework and can actually enjoy my "Spring Break". With no class today I was really looking forward to spending the day not worrying about homework or anything other than spending the day with my Man Friend! I even got to sleep in a little bit. Mr.Friday and I had a great day planned, a hike in the early morning and then movie and dinner. The weather was mild today but still enjoyable for our hike. We choose to go picnic style for lunch, taking it with us to enjoy during our hike. As we were eating and enjoying some quite time together we looked high above us where a dead branch with some leaves on it was hanging high above our heads. Suddenly there was a gust of wind and the rustling of leaves and (I swear this was in slow motion) the branch fell straight down, landing right where we had previously been sitting (we had quickly gotten out of its way). It was so random but completely hilarious! After hiking we went to see the "Hunger Games". Now, I have read all the books in this series and was worried about them departing drastically from the play of events in the movie. However, I was pleasantly surprised to see that they stayed very close to the book. It was a very good movie and I recommend it as a "Must See Movie". After the movie we got dinner at Chili's, One of Mr.Friday's favorite restaurants. We spent the rest of the night snuggled up watching Interview with a Vampire, an extremely long movie on network t.v (curse you commercials). It was a very enjoyable day. Made all the more enjoyable without the pressure of having to finish up homework before Sunday. I can not wait for this semester to be over. Every time I think that though I remember that I am taking summer classes, which means that my "semester" wont be over until the 7th of July..... Which seems like an exceptionally long time from now. *sigh* Its almost over, almost over... Just keep saying that.
Hope ya'll are having a wonderful weekend so far!
Steph's Tidbits:
Hope ya'll are having a wonderful weekend so far!
Steph's Tidbits:
- Does anybody else think that censored movies on T.V are hilarious. Their mouths still move in the shape of the word so you still know what they are saying. So funny!
- I enjoyed a Mango Margarita at dinner, it was so yummy!
- Mr.Friday and I have officially been "seeing" each other for almost 3 months, quite an accomplishment right!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Funky Friday!
Today is finally Friday!!! I am very much looking forward to the weekend. Spring Training games are still going strong and the Yankees are doing well and so are the Tigers, I am gearing up for my Fantasy baseball draft (something I have been doing with the same 7 guys for the past 5 years, although I have never met any of them). Spring is Finally in the air. Its a bit cold here still but the sun is shining and the breeze is blowing. It is glorious! We have a busy day planned today and tonight (with the kids) so I am posting in the morning so I don't feel guilty about not doing so later on.
Hope you guys have a Wonderful spring sunshiny day!
Hope you guys have a Wonderful spring sunshiny day!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
If Only it Were Exciting...
Sometimes it feels as though my life is an endless series of bad sitcom episodes, minus the jokes. Not much exciting happens to me during the week, nor do I usually have much to talk about. That is one of the difficult things about maintaining this blog everyday for the next four months. I know it can get boring but thank you for bearing with me through the humdrum, and stay tuned for hopefully some more exciting posts soon!
Night Y'all
Night Y'all
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Late Night Wednesdays
I always work a little bit later on Wednesday and because of such I always have a lot of homework to do, so I am keeping this short and sweet.
Night Y'all !!
Night Y'all !!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
A Tuesday Conundrum.....
Tuesdays always seem so strange to me, they kind of just float around in the week with nothing real exciting to do but not particularly close to a weekend. Today we are starting our baseball/softball spring schedule so we are even more busy during the week. How can we possibly fit anymore into our already busy schedule you ask what with us already doing;
Tonight I am working on homework and watching some Anthony Bourdain. I love this show, any one who can take a no nonsense look at travel and food is all right in my book. But it always makes me long to jump on a plane and head out to somewhere exotic. Ahhhhh I long for a true vacation, not a working vacation but a real "I've never been here" vacation. I have a list of places that I am constantly adding to that I want to visit before I die right now (but is always changing) the top ten are;
Night Y'all
- Tai Kwondo
- Girl Scouts
- Catholic education
- Sports class
- Speech Lessons
Tonight I am working on homework and watching some Anthony Bourdain. I love this show, any one who can take a no nonsense look at travel and food is all right in my book. But it always makes me long to jump on a plane and head out to somewhere exotic. Ahhhhh I long for a true vacation, not a working vacation but a real "I've never been here" vacation. I have a list of places that I am constantly adding to that I want to visit before I die right now (but is always changing) the top ten are;
- Egypt
- Ireland
- England
- Germany
- Hong Kong
- Bali
- Argentina
- Netherlands
- Alaska
- Cape Horn (which is the southern most point of South America)
Night Y'all
Monday, March 19, 2012
It seems to be...
A little confusing I know, but today I am starting two new classes, and just finished up two yesterday. Phew this is going to be a little rough for a couple of days. But there is light around the corner, only two and 1/2 weeks till I leave for Florida, so there is light at the end and its bright and warm and filled with palm trees!!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
The Morning After....
Today I am feeling surprisingly OK. I did have a headache and felt tired for most of the afternoon. But after hydrating and taking something for the pain I was in good spirits. Not that I am looking to do anything like that again, but just that given the amount of spirits I ingested I am not feeling any significant after effects. Mr.Friday and I made it home OK after getting lunch in the city and taking the 90 minute train ride back upstate. I still have most of a VERY long paper to write but all the research is done so hopefully it wont take me that long this afternoon. Best be gettin to it though!
Hope Y'all had a wonderful weekend!!!
Steph's Tidbits:
Hope Y'all had a wonderful weekend!!!
Steph's Tidbits:
- Here is a NYC travel tip. Stay away from the restaurants in Times Square, I know its exciting to say that you had dinner in TS but trust me you will pay the $ to do so. Example; Mr.Friday I wanted to grab something quick at the TGIFridays there in TS for two of us, No alcohol beverages, we paid $50 to eat there for lunch (and I had a salad). Crazy right.
- Another travel tip, if you can afford it say close to the Hudson, the views are beautiful and getting back to your hotel after bummin around the city all day is super easy.
- I am finally feel as though I got to have a real weekend, instead of feeling as though I simply worked through my weekend come Monday morning. YESSSSS!!!!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Happy St.Paddy's Day!!!
Mr.Friday and I spent the weekend in NYC! We went in after my class was over to see the parade. Which was something I had never done before and was very much looking forward to. It was kind of like a mini vacation since we were staying over and enjoying some "alone" time. It was glorious. But if there is one thing I am accustomed to its the fact that things never go how they are planned. The parade started 3 hours late so although we got there after it was scheduled to start we ended up being able to see most of it. However, getting to our hotel first was an issue. All of the side streets along fifth avenue were blocked off so we had a terrible time getting over to first and the crowds were terrible. Imagine if you will a short girl pulling a rolling suitcase through a crowd of people so thick that they basically block out the sun.
I admit that I did some damage to some toes during that walk. Finally we made it to our hotel. The Millennium UN Plaza was beautiful and the view from our room was spectacular, or at least it would have been had the sun been shinning.

After watching the parade for a while, and getting sucked into a conversation with a woman who was older than my grandmother and more drunk than any person I have ever met ( I was seriously getting buzzed off of her breath), Mr.Friday and I decided to grad a quick drink before meeting up with some of his friends that were in town looking at apartments today. I will admit that I was a tad nervous about meeting his friends and therefore might have drunken more than I should have. We meet them for dinner at a great Japanese place called Joe's Shanghai that was absolutely delicious (if you ever go there try the pineapple fried rice Delish!!!). Afterwards we went to an Irish bar and had some drinks. Through out the day I had been jumping into random people's group photos a fact that Mr.Friday found quite funny and at this bar there seemed to be ample opportunities for me to continue this trend, I swear 30 people or more will wake up on Sunday morning, look at their pictures and say "who the hell is that girl" a fact I find quite humorous! I will admit that at that point things became a little blurry, I am not a big drinker and can not seem to hold much alchol so what happened after the third round of drink becomes a bit hazy however, Mr.Friday tells me that I did not do anything embarrassing (for him or myself) and I behaved like a lady. I don't remember getting back to the hotel or getting into bed, but I can only assume that Mr.Friday was very understanding and not the least bit drunk and therefore did his gentlemanly duty of making sure I was okay. I know I should feel bad about getting drunk but honestly most of the time I feel as though I am living someone Else's life, raising their children and adhering to their schedule that sometimes I forget that I am only 25 and have the right to act like it sometimes. St. Patrick's day with Mr.Friday was a wonderful reminder that I am still young and its okay to act like it sometimes.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Finally Friday!
I am so happy that this week is over and that the weekend is just around the corner. I think I am most excited because Tomorrow is St. Patrick's day, and Mr.Friday and I have big plans! This is one of my favorite days of the year, Why? I have no idea but it must be because of my Irish roots (not the ones in my hair). I hope you guys are having a wonderful week!
*Only 3 weeks till I leave for Florida! Yippeeee!!!
*Only 3 weeks till I leave for Florida! Yippeeee!!!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
A Boring day = a Boring post
Since I have nothing exciting to post about I thought I would instead sing you guys a song!!! Bear with me here I am bored and am SOOOOOO sick of staring at my Finance textbook.....
"This is the song that never ends, Yes it goes on and on my friends.... Some people start at singing it not knowing what it was but they continue singing it forever just Because this is...." and it goes on and on and on and on... I think you get the idea.
"This is the song that never ends, Yes it goes on and on my friends.... Some people start at singing it not knowing what it was but they continue singing it forever just Because this is...." and it goes on and on and on and on... I think you get the idea.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
This marks my 100th blog post since I started Indescribable Beauty! I can't believe it... I think I deserve an award or something. And so do you if you have read even one of my lame, boring or trivial posts about basically nothing. Kudos to you my friend!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
A Pretty Little Blog Post
Who else is obsessed with Pretty little Liars like me?? anyone? anyone? No just me..... Too bad I am going to talk about it anyways. I loved last nights episode and finally getting a little peak at who A is was fantastic. They really did a good job of making the episode a little scary and totally captivating, I was on the edge of my seat the entire episode. I am not usually one to watch a lot of network T.V I really only watch Glee, PLL, and Grey's Anatomy but I must say that the shows on ABC family are surprisingly good. I usually watch anything that is on the Travel Channel or anything on MLB network, yes I am not ashamed to admit that I watch this, I do LOVE baseball after all. Back to the books for tonight!
Night Ya'll
Night Ya'll
Monday, March 12, 2012
What a Week This Will Be....
Hello Friends! Today is once again Monday, it seems we can never escape it. This week is going to be a long one for me, not only do I have alot of overtime planned but I also have prep for finals this week as well. I am looking forward to some of my classes ending soon, I might actually be able to take a deep breath then! For those of you that don't know or are wondering how my classes could be ending when its only March. I attend two colleges one here in NY and another online (UMUC). The classes through UMUC run on an 8 week schedule with four sessions each semester, that way you can (they suggest anyways) take two classes in session one and two classes in session four with out overlapping any. I however took two classes in session one, two classes in session two and two classes in session fours (which starts next week) so two of my classes finished yesterday two of my classes start next week and two of my classes end in two weeks. Can you see my crazy schedule now??? I actually really like the eight week schedule, lets face it you can do anything for only eight weeks, but it does make the classes very intense because you have to cram a lot of info into a little amout of time. But thankfully I will only have three classes (two online and the one I take in person) soon and that will be a piece of cake after the five I am taking right now. Oh Gotta go; Pretty little Liars is about to start!
Talk to Ya'll later!
Talk to Ya'll later!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Really Should Not Have Done That
I woke up this morning to a paper I had to almost completely rewrite. Note to those who read this.... do not write a business paper when you have had more than 5 cocktails.... BAD Bad bad idea. I can't talk long because I still have 7 pages of my 14 page paper to write. I hope you guys are having a great weekend and I will talk to you guys on Monday!!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Late Nights After Early Mornings
Today was one LOOOONG day. I was actually dreading today since I still had lots of homework to finish (6 out of 8 pages of one paper and all 14 of another, I know nothing like procrastination.) And after meeting Mr.Friday for lunch we agreed that instead of spending the rest of the afternoon together we would meet up around dinner time so that I could work on homework. We had plans to meet up with some friends of mine for a birthday party later on in the evening. I spent (most of) the afternoon working on homework and then go ready for dinner and the party. I have to admit that I was excited since I don't normally have time for these kinds of things. Mr.Friday and I decided to go out for our favorite dinner, Sushi and met at my favorite sushi restaurant here in town. Two hours later we were ready to head to a new restaurant that had just recently opened here in my town to meet up with everyone else for the party. We headed in side and the place was packed, but no sighs of the birthday girl. After 15 minutes we decided to leave and find some place else to have our own party!!! (turns out they were running late and still went in to "Stand" at the bar:( Mr. Friday and I hit up Fridays for some appetizers and cocktails. I have to admit that when we are together we spend a lot of time talking about silly things, and what if scenarios something I find really funny. But 5 Rum and Cokes later and I remembered that I still had two papers to finish and could feel the starting of a buzz coming on, not very conducive for paper writing. I got home around 1:30 in the morning and am completely daunted by the amount of homework I need to finish still. Yikes.....
Talk you all later!
Talk you all later!
Friday, March 9, 2012
It's Giveaway Friday!!!
Well technically its lets talk about the giveaway Friday, but who's keepin tabs. I am so excited to do my first giveaway on my YouTube Channel. I am so thankful for my subscribers and those that watch my videos. First the Rules:
1. You must be a subscriber to my YouTube channel
2. Comment on the giveaway video: : With your favorite spring fashion or makeup trend
3. You can comment as often as you like
4. Giveaway will run from March 8th thru March 31st
Good luck to everyone who enters!!
The goodies- a Bag of some of my favorite spring stuff! I have had so much fun shopping for this stuff and still have things I want to add to the bag!
1. You must be a subscriber to my YouTube channel
2. Comment on the giveaway video: : With your favorite spring fashion or makeup trend
3. You can comment as often as you like
4. Giveaway will run from March 8th thru March 31st
Good luck to everyone who enters!!
The goodies- a Bag of some of my favorite spring stuff! I have had so much fun shopping for this stuff and still have things I want to add to the bag!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Pop of Color Thursday...
Today was another beautiful day in New York, a bit windy but still lovely. So I was really feeling spring fever. I decided to do a Spring makeup tutorial for my YouTube channel:
I went with pink with a pop of purple, I really like the way it turned out
This look was super easy to do.
Products used:
MAC painterly paint pot
NYC Island Sunset pallette
MAC Vapor
ELF midnight Gel liner
Urban Decay 24/7 liner in Zero
Rimmel Scandal Eyes Masscara
Wet N'Wild Foundation
Elf Translucent powder
Mac Blush in Blushbaby & Well Dressed
I went with pink with a pop of purple, I really like the way it turned out
This look was super easy to do.
Products used:
MAC painterly paint pot
NYC Island Sunset pallette
MAC Vapor
ELF midnight Gel liner
Urban Decay 24/7 liner in Zero
Rimmel Scandal Eyes Masscara
Wet N'Wild Foundation
Elf Translucent powder
Mac Blush in Blushbaby & Well Dressed
The liner is the fun part. This was a thin line on the top lash and dramatic winged liner on the bottom. With a pop of pink lip. I love this current trend, bright pink lips. I am so ready for Spring to be here!
Steph's Tidbits:
- I have been watching a lot of older movie lately, like Sister Act. I haven't seen that movie in Forever.
- Super Cool video being posted tommorrow, something I am super excited about this and can't wait to share it with you guys.
- Don't forget you can connect with me on Twitter @thatgreengirl24
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
It's Hump Day...
And oh what a hump it was. Wednesdays are always my long day at work. I work from 7 in the morning till 8 or 8:15 at night. But the weather was so nice here in NY that it made the day go by faster. I still have a lot of both of my papers to write but could not stay inside for very long today. I went for a long walk around a beautiful pond we have here in my town, and it really feels as though Spring just might be in the air, FINALLY.
Steph's Tidbits:
Steph's Tidbits:
- For those of you that don't know, I am terrified of snakes and today we found 2 yes 2 in the yard. I was so freaked I put towels under the front door to plug up the gap so they couldn't get in, LOL
- I am so sad that there are only two episodes of Face off left for this season. But I can't wait for the new season of a Game of Thrones to start!
- Any new movies your excited about??
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Then the Car Puked .....
My car that is. Today my car decided that it was going to revolt, it WASN'T going to take it anymore. Literally, the speedometer decided that it was taking a vacation. When I was idealling it said I was going 120MPH and when the car was off I was going 70. I am sure you are just as confused as I am right now, since she never warned me that she was taking a vacation I didnt have time to come up with a replacement. Luckily she still lets me drive her, but I drive her like an little old lady who's driver liscence taken away. I am terrified of getting a ticket so I drive way slowly. Other than that I have no real news, other than the fact that I have 2 papers due by the end of the week, one 10 pages and the other 14 pages. I have barley started either one, but am not worried since I did most of the research already and simply just need to sit down and write, something that I happen to be good at if I can toot my own horn for a second!
Steph's Tidbits:
Steph's Tidbits:
- Last nights Pretty Little Liars episode was SOOOO good. Who has an idea who A is. I think I know but won't give it away. I think I might have to read the books now!
- I read by Paris blog over last night, and now I want to go back so bad. I had the most amazing time and that vacation honestly changed my life; read about it here
- Anthony Bourdain has me totally addicted!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Warm in My Heart
Sundays..... I live for Sundays !! It may sound boring to most but to me this is the perfect way to spend a day. Get up late, around 11, and then spend the day watching movies in my Pj's and finish up any homework from the week. Glorious! That's how I spent my afternoon today except I added finishing up a bottle of wine I had opened on Friday night, slowly so as not to get drunk but to simply enjoy it. Super Glorious!
Hope Y'all enjoyed your Sunday too!
Hope Y'all enjoyed your Sunday too!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
A Long Walk in the Bright Sunshine
After spending the morning struggling through new concepts in math class. I spent the rest of the day with Mr.Friday who (wonderfully) made it his mission to help me take my mind off other things and focus on simply having some fun. So after a lunch of pizza we went for a walk in the beautiful sunshine (this is becoming one of our favorite things to do!) We decided to go to the mall for a walk around and then Mr.Friday suggested we go an see the "Lorax" this was a great choice, nobody could come out of that movie feeling anything but upbeat. It was actually a cute movie with a wonderful message for kids. There is something that should be said about innocence, we are missing a lot of that in our world right now and kids should be given every opportunity to keep their innocence for as long as possible. After the movie we went for dinner at The Melting Pot. Okay so for those of you that don't know The Melting Pot is a fondu resturant, where you sit with a plate of raw food in front of you and a pot of cheese or oil or chocolate that is heated up and you dip the food into it. It is SOOOOO yummy! and a great way to end the evening. At the end of day I actually had a better outlook on the past week. That being said I still cant escape the fact that this past week I recieved some devestating news. Normally I am the type of person who shakes things off and moves on. Because of that I let people get away with things more often than not, especially people who are close to me, but not this time. I am not rolling over and pretending that I am okay with this. So thats where I stand tonight, thats my soapbox and I am not getting down.
Friday, March 2, 2012
A haft Bottle of Wine Later
And I am finally starting to feel a little bit better! I think my answers to question tonight from my professors might have sounded a little cooky, but that's a price I am willing to pay. But the wine is making very tired. So I am going to keep this short, and I hope that over the weekend an my posts next week will be a little happier. I apologize for all the melancholy that I've had but it really seemed to be the only thing I can seem to feel right now.
Happy Friday Y'all!
Happy Friday Y'all!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Cracks in the Ceiling
What? No Grey's Anatomy?? geez oh' petes this week cannot get any worse. Tonight I have absolutely no motivation, actually this whole week I have had no motivation, but tonight it seems worse. I have been lying on my bed staring at the ceiling trying to remember what it is that I am supposed to accomplish tonight, and I can't seem to remember. All I kept thinking is that I need to post, I don't want to give up on my goal. I can't give up. Strong words that are sometimes hard to follow.
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