So its officially been one month since I started the "List" (not sure what the list is? check out my earlier blog posts). Heres an update on how I have been fairing:
1. Read 150 books- So far I have read 15 books, all longer than 150 pages and no magazines
2. Reach my Goal Weight- Weight loss to date 4 pounds (this one is harder than I hoped it would be)
3. Buy an expensive pair of shoes
4. Get a new tattoo
5. Go skinny dipping
6. Sleep under the stars
7. Throw a fancy party
8. Run a 5K
9. Volunteer
10. Learn a new Hobby
11. Let GO
12. Be Spontaneous
13. Make a Friend- Does Mr.Friday count?
14. Do something that scares me
15. Wear High Heels for a normal day
16. Help a stranger
17. Blog Everyday- I have only missed one day of posting, in one month
18. Stop biting my nails- I have still not done this, I have had my nails done in the hope that it would break my habbit, but as soon as they come off, I start chewing...GRRR
19. Learn to surf
20. Ride in a helicopter
21. Make the Dean’s list (for the third semester in a row!)
22. Learn enough of another language to be able to hold a conversation
23. Swim with dolphins
24. Make it count
25. Wear a different pair of shoes everyday- ACCOMPLISHED and loving it !!!!
26. Get 8 hours of sleep a night- Not happening, Isomnia is working against me